Här har ni eran fredagskväll. På med högtalarna helt enkelt, haha.
Nu har jag suttit och lyssnat på Leona Lewis ''nya'' album ''Echo'' hela kvällen. Så himla bra låtar!
Hade helt glömt bort att hon skulle släppa ett album innan jul, så jag lyssnade mest på gamla låtar med henne.

I got you
''Go ahead and say goodbye
I'll be alright''
Can't breathe
''Gotta let it go, I don't wanna go, I can't breathe
Without you I get weak, and I can't breathe''
''You're never scared to walk through the fire
I wish I had your faith''
Outta my head
''Outta me head, outta my head
Say goodbye''
My hands
''Ready for a new day
Without you
And I walk steady on my feet''
Love letter
''Through the sunshine and through the rain
I know that it'l last forever''
''I wanna run away from love, this time I have had enough.
Everytime I feel your touch, I'm broken''
''Tryin' focus to go un-noticed
But the harder I try I see them looking''
Stop crying your heart out
''Get up... Come on...
why you scared? (I'm not scared)
You'll never change what's been and gone''
Don't let me down
''This is what you're living your life for.
That's your name''
''Where do I go when I'm so alone?
Where do I turn when you are so close?''
Lost then found
''Why do we say things we can't take back?''
Mina favorit är ''I got you'' :)
Hade helt glömt bort att hon skulle släppa ett album innan jul, så jag lyssnade mest på gamla låtar med henne.

I got you
''Go ahead and say goodbye
I'll be alright''
Can't breathe
''Gotta let it go, I don't wanna go, I can't breathe
Without you I get weak, and I can't breathe''
''You're never scared to walk through the fire
I wish I had your faith''
Outta my head
''Outta me head, outta my head
Say goodbye''
My hands
''Ready for a new day
Without you
And I walk steady on my feet''
Love letter
''Through the sunshine and through the rain
I know that it'l last forever''
''I wanna run away from love, this time I have had enough.
Everytime I feel your touch, I'm broken''
''Tryin' focus to go un-noticed
But the harder I try I see them looking''
Stop crying your heart out
''Get up... Come on...
why you scared? (I'm not scared)
You'll never change what's been and gone''
Don't let me down
''This is what you're living your life for.
That's your name''
''Where do I go when I'm so alone?
Where do I turn when you are so close?''
Lost then found
''Why do we say things we can't take back?''
Mina favorit är ''I got you'' :)